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Clinton Otse Ajii

Software Engineer and Product Designer

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About Me

Clinton Otse is a creative, design-savvy, technical, passionate full stack web developer and product designer. He is very skilled in HTML, CSS, javaScript, and in MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, React, Node) stack development. He brings a range of art and design disciplines to every project he works on.

His passion for software lies with brainstorming ideas and making them come true with elegant interfaces. He takes great care in the experience, architecture, and code quality of the things he build. He is excited to blend his product design experience and knowledge of front end, with the inner workings of database and back end development, to become a highly sought after node.js engineer.

Latest Project

Drum Machine

Drum Machine - Web App

Go ahead, turn on the power and have fun playing the drum machine.

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Markdown Previewer - Web App

The markdown previewer is a simple way to add formatting like headers, bold, bulleted lists, and so on to a plain text.

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Random Quote Machine - Web App

The random quote machine generates over 100 different quotes. You can post to a blog, or tweet it directly to twitter.

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Starwars Character Card - Web Page

A Starwars frontend character card built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Users can view character details by clicking a button.

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Product Landing Page - Web Page

Designed to promote and sell a product.

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Javascript Documentation - Web Doc

This project contains useful JavaScript reference documentation.

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Other Projects

Periodic Table - Frontend Project Free

Design of a periodic table. Shows 118 chemical elements

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Bank App - Backend Project Free

Bank App is a backend Node.js application built to help users to send and receive money in real-time.

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Find Jobs - Backend Project Free

Find Jobs is a web application built to solve the challenges individuals face in search of a job. A registered user of the find job app can either be an employer or a job seeker. Signed in as an employer, a user can post jobs while Signed in as a job seeker, a user can view available jobs on their dashboard and apply to them.

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Work Experience

Software Engineer - Decagon (May 2019 - July 2022)

  • Worked in a cross-functional team of 10 and was involved in several client projects, including a job search app, a bank app, and a crypto wallet using Typescript, MongoDB, Express framework, React, Node.js, Web3.js, PostgreSQL, Docker, Netlify, and Heroku.
  • Handled Database Management System with SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB) databases.
  • Implemented a transfer service API with Typescript, Node.js, Express.js, Docker, and MongoDB.
  • Technical Instructor for Beginner React developers and Node.js Engineers.
  • Experience with Docker, Kubernetes, and Microservices with React and Node.
  • Experience in writing unit and integration tests.

Frontend Developer - Cardinalstone (May 2022 - Present)

  • Single handled built a well-functioning contact app with React js from start to finish.
  • Implemented a downloadable QR code that contains details of employees in Cardinalstone limited.
  • Built an admin app for creating and managing employees' contacts
  • Implemented a contact page vcard download that can be saved and viewed on all devices, including MacBook, windows, iPhone, and all android versions.

Frontend Software Developer - (June 2022 - August 2022)

  • Built a wallet web app from scratch from a wallet web UI
  • Served as the team lead of 3 and was responsible for setting up, unblocking, and organizing code reviews.

GitHub Contributions